
Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011

PALEA gets backing of Occupy protesters

Just as truck drivers and longshore workers got the support of Occupy rallyists in the United States, the Philippine Airlines Employees’ Association (PALEA) received the solidarity of Occupy protesters in Canada. Occupy Toronto activists together with Canadian airline unions held a solidarity action at the Toronto international airport Dec. 10.


Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011

Philippinische Zeitung über Soli-Aktion von Doro Chiba pro PALEA

Trade unions from the United States, Europe, Australia, Japan, Indonesia and Malaysia, among others, have also expressed their solidarity to Palea.
“(They) are planning to hold protest actions at the Philippine consulate offices in their respective countries,” FDC said, adding that more protests, including simultaneous city and municipal actions nationwide, are being lined up for next week “as local unions and associations join the fight against contractualization.”
As for international solidarity moves, Palea welcomed the picket by Japanese railway workers at the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo.
The union also announced that on October 27, US labor unions and the Filipino American community will do the same at the Philippine consulate in San Francisco.
“According to the protesters from Doro-Chiba, a railway union in Japan, a staff of the political section came out of the embassy in Tokyo to receive the letter of concern and said that the document will be forwarded to the person in charge of the embassy and then transferred to the home government. Doro-Chiba members also distributed to passers-by flyers explaining Palea’s plight and supporting the fight against contractualization,” Palea said.
The ground union added that Doro-Chiba, in its letter, asked that the Philippine government “give an adequate guidance to the PAL management to stop lock-out immediately, to reinstate all the Palea members to the original job as regular employment, and to reopen good faith negotiation with Palea, who is raising a quite justified demand to withdraw the outsourcing plan unconditionally.”

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011

Call for solidarity with Philippine airline workers

7 October 2011

The ITF is calling on unions around the world to show solidarity with their aviation worker colleagues in the Philippines whose jobs are being outsourced.

Members of the ITF-affiliated Philippines Airlines Employees’ Association (PALEA) have been fighting the outsourcing plan, set to put 2,600 employees out of work.

Last week, the workers were forcibly evicted from Manila International Airport where they were staging a protest against the company’s decision to implement a lockout; the ITF condemned the evictions.

On 30 September, the union held a mass protest on the workers’ last day of employment with Philippine Airlines (PAL), urging the company to enter into talks with the union to resolve the dispute in the face of continuing flight disruptions.

Click here to sign a petition protesting againt PAL’s plans. To send a message of solidarity, click here. For more information about the campaign to support PALEA in its ongoing struggle visit:


Freitag, 14. Oktober 2011

Erfolgreiche Aktion von Doro-Chiba für PALEA (Philippinen)

Doro-Chiba führte am 14.11.2011 eine erfolgreiche Solidaritätsaktion zugunsten des Arbeitskampfes der philippinischen Flughafenarbeiter-Gewerkschaft PALEA durch.
(mit beiliegendem Flugblatt in japanischer Sprache)

Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2011

Doro-Chiba solidarisiert sich mit den philippinschen Kollegen von PALEA

Soli-Adresse von Doro-Chiba:
On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 4:17 AM, H. Yamamoto wrote:
Dear Brothers Benjamin Velasco & Gerry Rivera,
Please find attached Doro-Chiba’s solidarity message to your courageous picket line.
Let’s fight together against all-out privatization, overall outsourcing, disguised subcontracting and casualization!
In Struggle and Solidarity,
International Labor Solidarity Committee of Doro-Chiba
H. Yamamoto

Die Antwort von PALEA:
Greetings of solidarity! Thank you for the message, we will circulate this to PALEA members in the picketlines.
Is it possible to organize a picket of Philippine Airlines (PAL) offices or Philippine embassies in Japan? We know that it is not an easy thing to do but it will be a great help to put pressure on the company and the government.
PAL has offices in Tokyo, Osaka, Narita Airport, Kansai Airport, and Chubu and Fukuoka airports in Nagoya. There is a Philippine embassy in Tokyo.
Again thanks for the support and goodluck to your struggle against contractualization and privatization of the railways.
Comrade Benjie

siehe auch:

Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

Dringender Appell zur Solidarität mit der Gewerkschaft der Flughafenarbeiter PALEA in den Philippinen

Folgender Appell aus den Philippinen liegt vor:

Philippines: Urgent Appeal for Solidarity re PALEA Strike
The Philippine Airlines Employees’ Association (PALEA) appeals to all union brothers and sisters, as well as all who support just wages, job security and safe work conditions, for solidarity as it continues its struggle against an outsourcing plan that will lay off 2,600 employees and downgrade them from regular to contractual hires.
On September 27, PALEA launched a sit-down strike at the airport and other offices that paralyzed the operations of Philippine Airlines (PAL), the national flag carrier.
The response from PAL and the Philippine government was the forcible eviction by a combined force of police and security guards of the striking workers. The workers have been locked out since then and terminated from their jobs on October 1. But despite this dispersal of protesting workers, PAL has been unable to resume normal operations. This illustrates the failure of the outsourcing plan and the militancy of PALEA’s resistance.
PALEA is demanding that PAL open talks to resolve the labor dispute. The lockout must stop, the outsourcing plan should be scrapped and the workers should be allowed to return to their jobs as regular workers.
To keep up the pressure on PAL and the government, PALEA has setup picket lines outside the international airports of Manila and Cebu, the two biggest cities in the country. Every day more than a thousand workers man the pickets in shifts.
PALEA needs your moral and logistical support.
We ask for solidarity messages and actions. Even the simplest expression of support will help sustain the high morale of PALEA members at the picketlines.
If possible, we call for delegations to and/or pickets at embassies or consulates of the Republic of the Philippines to convey concern for the plight of PALEA in order to maintain pressure on the government to heed workers’ rights and demands.
Lastly, we appeal for logistical support. It costs PALEA around US$1,500 daily just to feed its members and supporters who sustain the protest camp. Although donations from fellow PALEA members, other PAL employees such as the cabin crew, labor groups and other organizations defray some of the costs, the logistical needs of the picket lines and such other mass activities as rallies are depleting the union’s funds, especially since management stopped remitting dues since October 1.
Donate online via the website of Partido ng Manggagawa [Labor Party-Philippines]:
Or send donations by bank to:
PALEA Strike Fund
Account Number 00008-057-00403-9
Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC)
Quirino Ave., Baclaran, Paranaque City, Philippines.
International support from labor groups and advocates will go a long way in sustaining and winning this fight. Help us end outsourcing and contract hire.

For more information:
Facebook: Sulong PALEANS!
Tweeter: manggagawa
144 Legaspi St., Brgy. Marilag, Proj. 4, Quezon City
Telefax (02) 4396829

Danketsu Blog

Internationale Kurznachrichten zu Arbeits- und Arbeiterkämpfen. Inspiriert von der japanischen Eisenbahnergewerkschaft Doro-Chiba


Das japanische Wort "Danketsu" bedeutet wörterbuchmässig übersetzt "Solidarität". Wie aber so oft hat das japanische Wort in der japanischen Sprache selbst eine noch viel komplexere Bedeutung, etwa im Sinne des Wahlspruchs der 3 Musketiere aus Alexander Dumas Roman: "Einer für alle! Alle für einen!"

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Klassenorientierte Arbeiterbewegung

Die Schaffung und Verbreiterung einer internationalen klassenorientierten Arbeiterbewegung ist ein Ziel der kämpferischen Eisenbahnergewerkschaft Doro-Chiba in Japan. Dies bedeutet unter anderem: (1) Arbeits- und Arbeiterkämpfe dürfen niemals sektoriell, kulturell, ethnisch oder national isoliert und eingegrenzt bleiben. Über alle diese (letztlich künstlichen) Grenzen hinweg muss Solidarität (Danketsu) praktiziert werden. (2) die Gesamt - Interessen aller Menschen, die nur Besitzer blosser Arbeitskraft als Produktionsfaktor sind (60-80% der Bevölkerung etwa in Ländern wie Deutschland oder Japan), also wissenschaftlich formuliert der Klasse des Proletariats, müssen stets im Vordergrund sein. (3) Es ist von einer Unversöhnlichkeit der Interessen von Kapital und Arbeit auszugehen. (4) Es gilt die unmittelbare und direkte Solidarität (Danketsu) zwischen den zahllosen Segmenten dieser Klasse weltweit ständig zu erzeugen und zu verbreitern.

Berliner Solidaritätskomitee mit den Werktätigen in Japan

Am 11.10.2011 riefen 4 Gründungsmitglieder das Berliner Solidaritätskomitee mit den Werktätigen in Japan ins Leben. Ziel des Komitees ist die Schaffung zahlreicher Kontakte zwischen deutschen und japanischen gewerkschaftlichen Aktivisten (wobei gewerkschaftliche Aktivisten keineswegs etwa auf formale Mitglieder von Teilorganisationen etwa des DGB begrenzt ist). Dieser Blog hier (Danketsu-Blog) ist allerdings nicht nur einseitig auf deutsch-japanische Arbeitersolidarität ausgerichtet, sondern nahm von Anfang an auch Kurzmeldungen über Arbeitskämpfe aus anderen Teilen der Welt auf. Damit realisieren wir auch auf beste Weise, was ein zentrales Anliegen der japanischen Doro-Chiba ist: Schaffung einer weltweit miteinander vielfältig vernetzten klassenorientierten Arbeiterbewegung; Danketsu erzeugen und immer weiter verbreitern.




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Soweit es in unseren Möglichkeiten steht, veröffentlichen wir jede uns bekannt gewordene Meldung über Arbeits- und Arbeiterkämpfe, ohne Rücksicht darauf, von welchen politischen Kräften diese Kämpfe geführt werden. Unser Prinzip heisst Klassensolidarität, also Solidarität aller Menschen, die Besitzer blosser Arbeitskraft sind.

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