Montag, 24. Juni 2013

Doro Chiba Erdbeben Report Nr 54

(Leider nur in englisch, da ich gerade keine Zeit habe zum Übersetzen)
Dear friends all over the world,

Please find attached the DCQR No. 54.

Abe administration is intent to expand its plan of nuclear plant export to the various countries of the world with its shameless and flattering demagogy; “Japan can offer you the world’s safest nuclear power plant technology backed by its recent experiences.”
Things are not half as shaking down, but meltdowns are still going on in the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and nobody knows where the molten fuel is located.

Now is the time class struggle labor movement achieves a solid link with anti-nuclear power plant movement.
Let’s enhance international solidarity for an overwhelming development of the struggle against nuke together with the workers all over the world!

In Struggle and Solidarity,

International Labor Solidarity Committee of Doro-Chiba
Secretary Treasurer
H. Yamamoto
Doro-Chiba Quake Report
June 23. 2013/ issue 54

International Labor Solidarity Committee of Doro-Chiba (National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba)
Abe and Hollande are merchants of death
Let’s rise up to achieve a historical upsurge of anti-nuke struggle!
June 2013
International Labor Solidarity Committee of Doro-Chiba
Anti-Nuke Rally in Tokyo on June 2 raised an angry voice against the Abe administration, which is desperately driving a policy to promote nuclear power in restarting operation of nuclear power plants at home and in exporting the same abroad. The rally expressed its determination, “We shall never permit the merchants of death to restart and export nuclear power plants”.
Abe administration is intent to expand its plan of nuclear plant export to the various countries of the world ranging from the Asia, Middle East, Latin America and Middle and Eastern Europe. “Japan can offer you the world’s safest nuclear power plant technology backed by its recent experiences”, with this shameless and flattering demagogy, a series of agreements of cooperation on nuclear technology have been signed between Japanese government and many countries: on May 3 with Erdogan of Turkey over nuclear power plant export, on May 29 with Singh of India over the early conclusion of Japan-India Nuclear Agreement.
Further French President Hollande on June 7 during his visit in Japan agreed with Abe to launch cooperation in the field of nuclear power plant promotion and development of weapons. Japan-France Joint Declaration was published to elaborate the plan of cooperation in promoting nuclear fuel recycle as well as nuclear power plant building and export, with a concrete wording, “We agreed upon cooperating in developing the nuclear power plant with safety and less nuclear waste”.
Abe refuse to face stern reality
Things are not half as shaking down, but meltdowns are still going on in the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and nobody knows where the molten fuel is located. It is anticipated that the growing contaminated water will finally overflow impounding facilities. No result of investigation has given what caused the nuclear plant catastrophe, earthquake vibration or tsunami, as yet. This grinding reparation work is impossible without the daily activity of workers in mostly irregular employment, who are risking their lives in terrible working conditions exposed to very high level of radiation.
As many as 160,000 people of Fukushima prefecture have been driven out from their native towns and villages, and vast numbers of people inclusive of children are forced to experience to live in high-radiation areas. The government and the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) evade responsibility for the disaster and shamelessly profess that the diffused radioactive materials from the nuclear power plants are res nullius—nobody’s property--and, therefore, they are exempt from any kind of responsibility for the damage they cause.
Abe refuse to face stern reality. He is trying to play down the seriousness of the nuclear power plant catastrophe and to black out the ongoing tragedy of Fukushima completely. It’s really unforgivable!
Stop restart of the Rokkasho nuclear fuel reprocessing plant and the Monju fast-breeder reactor
Abe and Hollande agreed upon the restart of the Rokkasho nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Aomori Prefecture and signed a memorandum over the cooperation of Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. and Areva SA of France in reopening of its operation planned in October. The resumption of Japan-France cooperation in preparatory work to restart Monju, the fast-breeder reactor in Fukui Prefecture, now out of operation is also confirmed in the memorandum.
Underlying intention of Abe’s policy of promoting nuclear fuel cycle is to produce and pile up weapon grade plutonium as a means of nuclear armament of Japan. A large sum of money is already poured for this purpose, about one trillion Yen ($ ten billion) and well over two trillion Yen ($ twenty billion) for the development of Monju and Rokkasho respectively. Not always provided with a definite successful plan, Abe administration is desperately rushing its nuclear military policy by means of “Japan-France cooperation”.
French and Japanese imperialism share a common plot of thrusting the whole world into a war for their respective interest: France is totally engaged in a series of aggressive wars in Africa and Japan is in a harsh military confrontation against North Korea and China, trading blows with the U.S.
Scrap all the nuclear power plants of the world by international solidarity
The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) published on June 19 “new safety requirements” for reactors, a totally deceptive attempt to pretend of preventing disaster, with an apparent aim of encouraging restart of nuclear power plants now out of operation. Immediately after this, four major nuclear power utilities promptly filed for safety screening as a first step for restarting of 12 reactors at six plants.
Now is the time class struggle labor movement achieves a solid link with anti-nuclear power plant movement. Organizing workplace activities into Nationwide Movement of National Railway Struggle will vigorously promote this development.
Let’s gather for the historical success of Tokyo Rally of NAZEN on July 11, and August Hiroshima and Nagasaki Rallies against war and nuke.
Let’s enhance international solidarity for an overwhelming development of the struggle against nuke together with the workers of Germany, Australia, France, Britain, Turkey, India, Korea, Taiwan and USA and all over the world!
Japan, France to also consider cooperating on defense equipment
Abe, Hollande reach deal to push nuclear technology
June 8, Japan Times
by Mizuho Aoki, Staff Writer
French President Francois Hollande and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed Friday to deepen cooperation on developing and exporting nuclear power plant technologies, and to strengthen security ties.
In a joint statement following their summit in Tokyo, the two leaders agreed to arrange talks between their foreign and defense ministers, commonly known as two-plus-two talks, to discuss joint development of defense equipment as well as exporting such items overseas. read more

Radioactive mud in Fukushima school pools tops 100,000 becquerels
April 22, 2013
FUKUSHIMA—Radioactive cesium levels exceeding 100,000 becquerels per kilogram were measured in mud accumulated at the bottom of swimming pools at two high schools in and around Fukushima city.
Mud in the pool of a third high school in Minami-Soma, which is closer to the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, showed at least 8,000 becquerels per kilogram.
…The Asahi Shimbun also obtained mud from the two schools with the consent of principals and vice principals. The test results showed 119,461 becquerels for the high school pool outside the prefectural capital and 8,468 becquerels for the pool in Minami-Soma. read more

Fukushima No. 1 can’t keep its head above tainted water
Japan Times
by Reiji Yoshida, Staff Writer
May 21, 2013
More than two years into the triple-meltdown crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant, workers continue to wage a desperate battle to keep the stricken reactors cool while trying to contain the 400 tons of radioactive water produced by the process each day.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. must decommission the three reactors, but the water is thwarting the effort. The decommissioning, if it ever starts, will take decades.
Here are some questions and answers on the encroaching problem and its implications for public health and the environment: read more

Flow of Tainted Water Is Latest Crisis at Japan Nuclear Plant
New York Times
April 29, 2013
TOKYO — Two years after a triple meltdown that grew into the world’s second worst nuclear disaster, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is faced with a new crisis: a flood of highly radioactive wastewater that workers are struggling to contain.
Groundwater is pouring into the plant’s ravaged reactor buildings at a rate of almost 75 gallons a minute. It becomes highly contaminated there, before being pumped out to keep from swamping a critical cooling system. A small army of workers has struggled to contain the continuous flow of radioactive wastewater, relying on hulking gray and silver storage tanks sprawling over 42 acres of parking lots and lawns. The tanks hold the equivalent of 112 Olympic-size pools. read more

You can find the archive of Doro-Chiba Quake Report here:

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Internationale Kurznachrichten zu Arbeits- und Arbeiterkämpfen. Inspiriert von der japanischen Eisenbahnergewerkschaft Doro-Chiba


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Klassenorientierte Arbeiterbewegung

Die Schaffung und Verbreiterung einer internationalen klassenorientierten Arbeiterbewegung ist ein Ziel der kämpferischen Eisenbahnergewerkschaft Doro-Chiba in Japan. Dies bedeutet unter anderem: (1) Arbeits- und Arbeiterkämpfe dürfen niemals sektoriell, kulturell, ethnisch oder national isoliert und eingegrenzt bleiben. Über alle diese (letztlich künstlichen) Grenzen hinweg muss Solidarität (Danketsu) praktiziert werden. (2) die Gesamt - Interessen aller Menschen, die nur Besitzer blosser Arbeitskraft als Produktionsfaktor sind (60-80% der Bevölkerung etwa in Ländern wie Deutschland oder Japan), also wissenschaftlich formuliert der Klasse des Proletariats, müssen stets im Vordergrund sein. (3) Es ist von einer Unversöhnlichkeit der Interessen von Kapital und Arbeit auszugehen. (4) Es gilt die unmittelbare und direkte Solidarität (Danketsu) zwischen den zahllosen Segmenten dieser Klasse weltweit ständig zu erzeugen und zu verbreitern.

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Soweit es in unseren Möglichkeiten steht, veröffentlichen wir jede uns bekannt gewordene Meldung über Arbeits- und Arbeiterkämpfe, ohne Rücksicht darauf, von welchen politischen Kräften diese Kämpfe geführt werden. Unser Prinzip heisst Klassensolidarität, also Solidarität aller Menschen, die Besitzer blosser Arbeitskraft sind.

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